Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A Wonderful Day Outside

 Yesterday the weather was cooler with more clouds. The high got to 25.8C (humidex 33C). The wind was cool as was the shower in the afternoon. This morning is cloudy and 18C. We are to have showers and a high of 23C (humidex 30C). 


The lawn mowers arrived yesterday morning and mowed the lawn. The first cut was done with push mowers and they took 5 huge garbage cans of clippings off the lawn. The next round they tried to mulch but it was wet and clumping on them. But, the lawn looks good. It didn't stress out in the hot weather and was green to the ground. The mowers will be back in 5 days to do the lawn again. 

I hustled around outside for most of the day. I planted the lawn seed where the tree was removed. I dead headed some of the flowers, fertilized and watered the garden. I cut off the last of the skapes from the garlic so they can put all their energy into the bulb. It was nice to be outside walking on cut grass and doing things I needed to do. I enjoyed every minute of it.  

I had our friend's two boys come over and rake the lawn. They did an amazing job without arguing or bickering. I got them a box of donut holes and they had homemade slushies. They worked and rested and were done in about 90 minutes. They raked up two leaf bags of clippings that go to the curb next week. They were proud of the job they did and I was thrilled to have the lawn raked. I get them another box of donut holes today for a job well done. 

I puttered around changing out dishes. The new plates are just too big to have the top cupboard door close. I need to put them into a drawer for now. That means changing things around which will happen in the next few days. 

I lost 1.3 lbs this past week. I am noticing more changes in my size. My hip and back still ache when I over do it but I am doing more before that happens. I pace myself every day so I don't over do it. 

I took the skapes over to my friend as she loves them. We had tea and took the dog for a short walk. The breeze was cool and we hardly noticed that we were talking in a light rain. It felt so good on us. 


I spent a bit of time in the sewing room. I pressed the backing for the two placemats and cut them out. I have about 120" of binding strips and am worried I am going to be short by 5". I will buy the fabric today to make sure. 

I loaded up my sewing bag for Gather and Stitch today and put it and the sewing machine into the wagon. I am hoping to make bowl cozies, pot holders, and 2 placemats. These I will finish at home after I finish the doll's outfit. When done, I can start on new projects.


None last night as I was tired. I felt like Elliott.


    It felt so good to be outside yesterday. I could walk over the lawn without shuddering and was able to do things that needed to be done. The garden is growing amazingly fast. The peas, beans, and tomatoes are blooming. The cucumbers, leeks and peppers are growing fast and the lettuce will need to be picked, once again, in a couple of days. The flowers are growing and filling the tubs they are in. 

    I have lots of outside things to do with weed control being near the top of the list. The wet weather has made the weeds grow fast and furious. I am watching the weather so I can get out and do it on dry days. I have a lot to do. I also have to get the weed cloth and edging so it is available when the company can do the hedge and under the deck. I am still deciding what to put down under the hedge -- mulch or river rock. It is a big decision due to the initial cost. 

    I haven't been sleeping very well. Part is the hot weather we had and part is being inactive during the rain and heat. Part is not going out to do things in a more social situation for almost a month. There is some emotional feelings as this is my first summer doing the yard work on my own. I do feel lost at times but I am trying to draw on what the Spousal Unit told me and did when he was doing yard work. 


I am off to the quilt shop to sew all day. I need to buy fabric to make daughter a bag to take to dog shows and trials. I also need the fabric for the placemat binding. I have to get the boys their donuts and I may buy myself something light for dinner. I am looking forward to being out and hope it helps me feel less sluggish and tired. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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