Saturday, February 11, 2023

I Need To Move More

Yesterday was cloudy and warm. By 5 pm it was 5.7C. A lot of the snow melted (over 2" fell). This morning it is -2C and the high is to get to -3C. We are to have wind and snow flurries today. 


After looking at the snow on the driveway, I went out and started to shovel it. It wasn't as wet as I had thought. A neighbour joined me after he put his two little ones on the bus (ran 2 hours late). We talked while we shovelled. I did just about 60% of the driveway as he shovelled the heavy roll of snow at the entrance. The big snow plow was through earlier clearing the roads for the buses. When done, I threw salt on the driveway as it was icy. 

Once inside, I rested a few minutes and then went and did my exercises. I didn't do as many reps as I was tired and didn't want to be in a lot of pain. I wasn't which was good. Once done, I did sweep the floors and then rested until lunch (20 minutes). 

In the afternoon I went and got cat food for Elliott. I made an appointment for him as he needs his yearly check up and a couple of shots. We will be doing a bit of blood work also to make sure all is well. He is coming 13 in May and is a senior. 


I spent some time in the sewing room. I put the doll's cube back against the wall and stood them up. The cube is on the wall against the baseboard heater. It is nice having them standing up rather than lying down. 

I sewed two pieces of batting together for the wall hanging. I spent a long time the other day cutting it so I could butt the edges together and zig zag stitch them together. It worked out perfectly. When I laid the backing on, it was too narrow. I gnashed my teeth, folded it up and put it back on the shelf. I got out a craft size piece of batting and used it. The horse is now ready to stitch down the outside edges and do some quilting on it. I was sore when I got done as I had bent over the cutting table for quite a while. I did stretch it to help ease the pain. 

I looked at and touched the batting I have. I have made the decision to throw it away as it isn't what I like for the projects I do. All has scrim in its and some is heavy and rigid. There isn't a lot; mostly scraps I saved thinking they'd be great for small projects. One piece I will keep (if enough) for a grocery bag I want to make. I think it is time to move on to buying one batting that I can use for table runners, placemats, and mug rugs. I am hoping it can be one I will buy for quilts also. One more way to streamline the stash. 


I did none last night. Don't know why as I could have knit the evening away. 


    I enjoyed shovelling snow yesterday. One thing I am realizing is how much I need to move and get stronger. As the weather warms up, I will be going outside more and walking. I know part is the weather and part is my soreness. I need to move to get rid of the soreness. 

    I am very grateful to live in a wonderful neighbourhood. The young gentleman who helped me shovel snow didn't have to but he did. We talked quite a bit while shovelling; he lost his dad suddenly in May and then cut a tendon in one finger during the summer. 

    I didn't loose weight yesterday and I am okay with that. I am noticing a huge difference in how I feel when eating correctly. I don't want to eat sweets and, if I am hungry, I will grab a couple of grapes and eat them. I am also not sleepy during the day thinking I need a nap. When I'm tired, I'm tired otherwise I am not feeling sleepy from eating sweets or salty foods. 


I have already phoned in refills of my prescriptions and ordered vegetable seeds. I plan on washing the floors upstairs, cleaning the entry way and doing my exercises this morning. I want to work a bit on the horse and then make piping for daughter. Tonight I need to knit on the socks. If I am able to, I will fill a couple of bags to take to the thrift shop. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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