Yesterday was a nice day with a high of 8.5C. It cooled off to 0C early this morning but was 1C at 6 a.m. It is suppose to be a sunny warm day with a high of 15C.
I got 2 lovely bouquets of flowers for my birthday. I was so happy to get them.
Both had roses and gerber daisies in them, my two favorite flowers.
We went out and got supper and ate at home. It was lovely not to cook a meal today and I did enjoy the salad I got.
The Spousal Unit had a sore arm and was tired yesterday. Otherwise he is doing well and is happy to have Needle 1 done.
There were 3 cases of the virus reported yesterday. One in each of 3 different health zones. I noticed they did about 5000 needles on Monday which is wonderful.
I spent the day in the sewing room working on the test pattern. The skirt pleats took about 2.5 hours to mark, pin in place and press. I let the pleats go at the bottom and hemmed it and repressed the pleats once again.
Putting the skirt onto the dress was an issue as it was too wide for the bodice. I had to print off the new pattern (which I missed seeing) and cut off an inch at each center back. Once fixed, it fit perfectly.
The little cuffs got a button loop and button and boy those loops are finicky to make.
I sewed three pearls onto the tie to make a brooch and used a rhinestone clasp to finish the belt as I had no buckle. In all, I am happy with this dress.
My new sewing machine arrived around 3 p.m. We unpacked it to make sure it was not damaged and I put the machine on the chair to admire while I finished the dress.
I am excited to start sewing on it. My Diamond has 577 hours of sewing time on it. I have averaged 57.7 hours a year on this machine. The past 15 months, I have done about 77 hours of sewing on it. Time to retire to the once a months embroidery project and piping.
I did knit on the daisy stitch sweater. I've got 20 rows knit on the first sleeve and will keep working on it until the next test pattern arrives.
It is back to cleaning the kitchen today. I will set up the sewing machine and have a short play with it. I'm thinking of making a reusable grocery bag to learn how to play. Knitting tonight.
Until the next time.................................................