Monday, February 22, 2021

DIY and Purging Success

 Yesterday was sunny. The sun shone the majority of the day and it was so uplifting. The high got to -2C which is warm for us. This morning it is -7C, the sun is to shine most of the day and the high is to get to 1C. Then we will have rain starting tonight. 


The Spousal Unit was out after breakfast to shovel the deck and the driveway. By 4 p.m. both were 95% dry. That is so nice to have. 

The DIY skills were more successful yesterday. With some help, the towel bar went up and is level. 

The toilet paper holder oops was given a second coat of mud and we wait and see if it needs a third coat. I did fiddle around at the sink and here is what it looks like without a mirror. 

I cut the $4.00 blind I got from Ikea to fit, hung it and it certainly finishes the window above the toilet. The light filters through and you can't see what's stored under the deck. No pictures as they turned out horrid - too dark. This room is slowly coming together.

I moved into the maintenance room next door to the bathroom and started cleaning it up. I have the trash pile which will be dealt with today. 

I know what is in this pile and I need to do some sorting. One box is for the thrift shop so I will start filling it. 

I want to get his down to two tubs and a container with painting items in it. Lots to deal with in this corner. The last area to be purged and tidied up in what our grandson calls "grandma's little hoard".

I will be cleaning it off and dealing with every single item on those shelves. It might get finished tomorrow as I think two good mornings will do the job. Next room is the family room which I have slated 7-9 days to clean up. I have some painting to do in that room also.

There was 1 case of the virus reported yesterday. Travel outside of the region.


I stepped into the sewing room to cut the blind for the bathroom window. I didn't have time to deal with anything in there but will do a bit in there this morning. Like 10 minutes. 

I will spend time in the sewing room this afternoon cutting out a bag that will use up some Christmas fabric. I am not sure what I will be using to interface it as I may not have the right interfacing for it. I don't want to quilt it either. I will be digging in the stash to see what I have. 

As I dig, I am going to set aside what does not give me joy. Or what I will sew up which is mainly seasonal. Some of it can become doll clothes as it does not have a seasonal print on it. Other will be donated or trashed if too small. I am working on not letting a variety of emotions talk me into keeping it. 

As I go from the bottom of the stash shelving unit to the top, there will be some emotional discards. They will be the hardest to deal with. Some will be kept as I will be sewing them later on. Others will go as I can't see using them for garments for me.


I didn't knit last night as we got home from grandson's birthday dinner at 7:30 pm. I really need to knit for the next week as I've fallen behind due to a sore shoulder and tiredness. 


The goal is to finish the maintenance room, do some planning in the sewing room, and knit. I have to go out for a bit today to run a few chores. Another busy day in our house. 

Until the next time...................................................

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