Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Good Sewing Month

Though yesterday started out cold, we did have sunshine. The high during the day got to 2C. By bedtime it was snowing and shortly after that it was raining. The wind really blew, the rain stopped and the temperature rose to 6C by midnight. It was 3C at 6 a.m. and the wind is still blowing. Is March coming in like a lion?


Yesterday I did laundry and cleaned up the upstairs. Mainly swept to get Elliott's hair off the floor. I swept down the stairs and front entry and my allergies kicked in. My eyes and nose ran like crazy. I kept on going as I wanted to make sure I got my list of chores done. The allergy had eased up by bedtime and is almost gone today.

I did put a few pieces of the puzzle together and the Spousal Unit got more done than I did. We may get this puzzle done by late spring. It is certainly a hard one. 

I lost 1.6 lbs this week for a total of 20.1 lbs in 2 months. This is the best I have ever done. I'm feeling better, have more energy, and fewer aches and pains (unless weather related). My clothes are getting looser which is nice. 

There were 4 cases of the virus reported yesterday. The total number of cases are at 39 of which 2 are in the hospital. We both worry about the increase in cases and will be going out mid week for apples. We will be staying home as much as possible until we need to get groceries. 


I used up 9.35 meters of fabric from the stash. I bought .5 meter of fabric and .5 meter of interfacing. The total amount sewn this year is 17.1 meters and the amount bought is 2.5 meters. I'm happy with the amount that I've used and bought. 

I spent some time yesterday morning in the sewing room. I did deal with some patterns and cleaned up the antique desk. I have to wipe down both desks today. The next area is the dropping spot by the stash shelving unit. I am going to sit on the floor and deal with it.

I cut out another bodice and have the outer fabric sewn and am ready to sew the lining. I am trying the technique to sew the lining to the sleeves once again. I may have it figured out. 

I did look at the Sewing Couture for dolls course and will be working on it. I got a reminder on how lazy I am at notching and slashing curves. I cut through both layers rather than doing it alternately on a single layer. I will have to remember to do that all the time. 


The sweater body of the test pattern is done and I need to get the needles to do the sleeves. I am enjoying this pattern as it is knits up quickly. 


The goal is to try and finish cleaning the family room. It isn't a big space but I need to move furniture, sweep, scrub and put away items. There is some garbage to clean up also. I also want to work on the doll's dress and knit tonight. Another stay at home day for us. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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