Monday, February 01, 2021

Another Test Pattern Begun

 Yesterday was coldest morning so far. -14.3C. The high got to -2.4C but the wind made it feel colder. This morning it is -3C and we are under a snow warning that will be here late tonight. 


Saturday was a quiet day with the front entrance getting cleaned. It will need to be touched up and then scrubbed. 

Yesterday mornings job was to order the vegetable seeds and then to do the budget. All that is done but one bill has not been paid as I got locked out of the site. Grrr.

I've been doing well with my eating habits and it is paying off. The only thing that was an issue yesterday was getting enough food. I was full and way under what I should eat. So I had a treat -- a butter tart. I'm also learning to weight all my food before I record it. Big differences in weight. I am down 14.1 lbs this morning. 

There were 3 cases of the virus reported on Saturday and none on Sunday.


On Saturday, I cleaned the sewing room and put away a lot of items from sewing the purse and fabric basket. It was nice to have it tidied up though there is a pile of items on the cutting table. Future projects. 

While watching TV on later, I cut out the next doll's pattern and taped together pieces of the skirt. I also laid it out on the fabric ready to cut. Yesterday, I cut out the fabric and pinned the skirt together while watching TV.

I got the bodice cut out, the serger threaded and sewed up the bodice. It wasn't hard to do as the instructions are good. I pinned it on Addy and attached the skirt. I'm quite liking it. 

The pins on the bodice is where the buttons go. I will sew them on before I start the next part. I also need to sew the top of the skirt to hold the pleats in place. It needs to be hemmed and a row or two of lace added to it. 

This dress is for the next doll I am going to order shortly. She is an Addy mould with ringlets. She is going to be Addy's friend, Sarah, though Sarah has very short hair. 


I knit on the sweater last night and am almost finished the first sleeve. I hope to start the 2nd one tonight. 


I am off to the city to get groceries and a few small things from the fabric store. I want to be home in good time so everything is put away and we can watch a show on TV. I have them on the PVR. Today won't be a sewing day but I do hope to knit. 

Until the next time...........................................

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