Sunday, August 16, 2020

We Welcomed The Rain

Yesterday was cooler with a breeze out of the north. It was very nice to enjoy a day without the air conditioner on. The high got to 24C. It rained hard after supper. We suspect a good inch fell in our area. This morning, it was 14C and foggy. It is suppose to get to 26C today.


The rain yesterday was a relief from the hot dry weather we have had. We actually stood and watched it come down. 
I actually watched the down pipe from the neighbors gutters as it was quite the flow coming off the roof. 
I'm sure everything will be greener today. 
It was hard to get going yesterday. I rested a lot to see if it would help. Not really. It will be a battle for the next while as I change my eating habits. Really, I'm thinking it is what I am eating. I have been making poor choices. I began eliminating sugar from my diet (cookies and other sweet sugary foods). I actually wanted a cookie with desert but I refrained and ate some cucumber slices a bit later. 
There were two more cases of the virus reported yesterday. All in the northern health region and all international travel related. 


I got the handles done on the bag yesterday. I hand sewed piping on prior to top stitching. I fixed one of the boxed ends and am ready to start the lining. 


I knit a few rows on the sleeve and stopped as my shoulder was hurting. I am casting off to shape the upper part of the sleeve. 


I am going to push myself to do more housework, sew, and knit. It is too wet outside to work on the landscaping. 
Until the next time............................

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