Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Moving Ahead (We Hope)

Yesterday, we had some heavy periods of rain. In between, it would brighten up some, then become dark, and buckets of water would come down. In the late afternoon, the sun shone, the wind came up, and it rained off and on all night. 


The insurance adjuster phoned yesterday and we had a long talk. Our talk resulted in the restoration company getting back on track with a project manager and someone else calling to set up the final stages of the job. With our contact people on holidays, everything had gone south. 
The electrician is to be here today, which has been confirmed. The plumber is suppose to be here but no confirmation. Once their jobs are done, there will be a clean and the crew can move our possessions downstairs. All I have left to do is find out what we can replace two of the three items that were destroyed. Harder than I thought. 
I did put up the blinds in the family room. One blind needs a bit of attention due to a ring breaking. The cause was sun damage. I will try to locate the rings today or tomorrow or ???? I do have a package. 


I am stretching and applying heat to my back and hip. Some improvement but it does come back when I sit too long. 
I ate well yesterday and had some points left over. I will get weighed tonight and take my gain. I let the stress over power me and I know that it was out of my control. My first slip since January. 


Moving stuff to the basement is almost overwhelming. When we packed up, it was crazy and I have what I kept in separate areas mixed up. I am sorting as I go through things and putting them into boxes and bags in a somewhat orderly way. I know it will take a couple of weeks to get everything organized. On the up side, I can purge some more as I put it away and do some reorganization. There is some good from all of this. 


I spent some time dressing the doll yesterday in the sweater/jacket I test knit. I love the fit of the sweater on the doll and know it will be in rotation for doll outfits. 
The scarf has a delightful pattern and I took one picture to show it. 
I then fixed it up so the ends were folded over. I love it. 
I can see knitting this knee length in grey with a colored scarf -- pumpkin, fuchsia, green. I could add a hat to the mix and it would be perfect. 
I did start the next test pattern in a cotton yarn. I love the colors and the pattern. 
I will try it again in an acrylic yarn if I like the end result. Once done this, it is back to knitting the items I have yet to finish -- grandson's socks and my scarf. I'm getting there slowly but surely. 


I have to go to the doctors, get prescriptions filled, pack more stuff and put it into the sewing room, and get weighed tonight. Quite a busy day. 
Until the next time.........................

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