Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Some Time Away

Yesterday was a lovely warm sunny day with a high of 14.3C. There was very little wind which was nice. This morning it is 0C and we are to have a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 16C. Tonight we are to have showers. 


I was out the door early to go to the butcher shop in Canning. I love the old part of the shop as it has the old meat railings and walk in cooler (updated for today). The service is wonderful and the store is ultra clean. I got some hamburger and a chicken to roast later this month. I came home the old highway and enjoyed the drive. I haven't been over that stretch of road for a very long time. 

Once home, I uncovered the garlic plants. I filled 2 leaf/grass bags with straw and rotten burlap. The garlic did well even though the soil is frozen. They enjoyed the sunshine and perked up as the day went on. I am hoping they will all survive. 

I did a bit of weeding under the deck each time I took 2 bricks over to the stack we have. I think a couple of hours will have it looking much better. 

I drug the two bags and put them into the shed after I did some cleaning up. I focused on one shelving unit and went through everything. I tossed out quite a bit of stuff and will take the canning jars to the thrift shop. It wasn't hard to do as I kept what I wanted knowing what I tossed was pure garbage or junk. There are empty tubs that I will need to deal with. 

I walked in the afternoon only. I needed to as the walking helps keep my glucose levels down. It also helps my body get stronger. My glucose average is 5.1 since I started testing. It is in the average range which is good. 


I worked on Elliott's quilt in the afternoon. The three rows are now sewn together and half of the remaining quilting done. 

I am hoping that I have enough bobbin thread to finish it. 

It has its fair share of mistakes in it but I've learned a lot. I do like quilting this way though the quilt will get unruly to handle when I work with a larger size. The only advantage is that you can quilt the blocks as you go, singularly, pairs, etc. When you finally finish, you will only have one join in which you will have to quilt if you do it without sashing strips. If you do it with the strips, you will only have one long strip to handle when you sew it together. 

I did watch another video by the Gourmet Quilter (YouTube) and she shows how she does strips between the blocks and how she adds a 5" border to the quilt. Ideas are floating for the next quilt which I will start this summer. I need to figure out how much fabric I need to get to finish it. I also need to starch all the fabrics which will take a bit of time. 


I now have 12.5" knit on the back of the sweater. I think I will be starting to cast off under the arms by Thursday at the rate I am knitting.

I may have to make myself one this fall in a different yarn. 


I have to deal with some stuff in the house that is driving me nuts, do a load of laundry and then do some more in the shed. I need to walk twice today. I want to sew and knit. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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