Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hand Sewing The Binding

 Though yesterday was sunny with a high of 12.9C, it was a very windy day. The wind blew in gusts up to 60 km/hr. This morning it is 5C and clear. We are to have sunshine, more wind, and a high of 15C today.


Yesterday morning, I swept the floors again and washed them. I also got a load of laundry on and decided to go to Sackville to shop for groceries, mail a parcel, and snoop in the Dollar Store.

The trip into Sackville was fine, windy but not that bad. I mailed the parcel, got the groceries, and enjoyed looking in the Dollar Store. The craft selection is smaller than I thought it would be and all the Easter stuff was gone. I bought 2 organizers; one for my Cricut accessories and one for in the sewing room. I had a small lunch and headed home. 

I didn't walk in the afternoon due to the wind. When I walked up to the shed, it was fine and I had though a short walk. When I came back down with the bag of garbage, I struggled walking as the wind was really blowing. I took the garbage to the curb and struggled taking it down. That meant my walk into the Crossing would be a hard slug and I wasn't up to that. No one was out walking which told me something. 

My glucose readings were higher yesterday. The morning one was the left over pulled pork and bbq sauce in my body and the other one was from the lack of activity. This morning, I'm on track with a lower reading and another weight loss. 


I hand sewed the binding on Elliott's quilt in the afternoon. I got about three-quarters of it done. 

I sat in the family room hand sewing and Elliott decided to climb all over me. He was under the quilt while I was sewing it. He was confused as I had the downstairs TV on rather than the upstairs one.

I did fold the quilt up when I was done for the day and it is square. That surprised me as I didn't think it would be square due to some of the mistakes I made. 

I watched another method of adding sashing when sewing the blocks together for quilt as you go. I am planning on trying it the next time. I will also machine stitch the areas where I did hand sewing. I want to add a border to the next quilt. More things to learn after I sew up some other projects that need doing. 


I started the decreasing rows for under the arm and was merrily knitting away when I found a mistake in one of the cables about 12 rows down. I am now in the process of unknitting to the mistake. I think I have 4 more rows to go to fix the mistake. Instead of putting the cable stitches to the back, I put them to the front. I did say something to myself about that but realized it was the first mistake I had made in this project. 


    In March I signed up for a year's membership with a company so I could learn more about using the Cricut, getting project ideas, and having access to a lot of cut files. One of the bonus items was getting a bag of items such as a tape measure, scissors, weeding holder. My package arrived yesterday and it consisted of a weeding tool and a guide book (which was the monthly bonus items). I contacted the company and they replied immediately that I would receive the yearly bonus items and to keep the items I had received. What ever happened, they corrected the mistake within 15 minutes of me sending off the email. 

    I am happy I went shopping in another community yesterday. It was mentally good for me to get away from the house and the area. I know that I want to try and get away one day a week either to shop or to explore. 


I am home today to do more housework and laundry in the morning. I do need to walk twice today unless the wind is howling. I want to finish up Elliott's quilt and start knitting on the vest once I correct the mistake. I need to think about the next sewing project once I tidy up the sewing room. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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