Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Quilt Top

 Yesterday was warm and humid. The high got to 27C with a humidex of 31C. The lowest the humidity got to was 50%. This morning it is 15C with no humidex and the humidity is 81% which is low for this time of the day. We are to have 29C and sunshine.


Yesterday was a rough day for the Spousal Unit. He was outside fussing while putting away the hose. When I got him in to try and calm him down, he said the neighbor who was mowing their lawn was going to ruin our lawn by mowing. I got him to watch and he realized she wasn't going to mow our lawn. 

Grandson came over to get two batteries to run one of their tools. After he left, the Spousal Unit got agitated saying that someone had stolen his tobacco. Then it was tools missing. I talked to him about the batteries going and he remembered that. It was about me letting my friends take his tools. He was just in a fussy mood. He didn't pace around, he was just worrying. He even went across the street to see our neighbors and when I checked on him, I didn't see him there. He can be sneaky. At dinner, he wasn't overly interested in any of his food but he did eat the main course. 

I'm not sure if he napped while respite was here. He had a hard time settling down when he went to bed. When he fell asleep he woke a couple of times just as he was going to fall out of bed. Who knows what caused this but I'm sure it was the lawn mowing that triggered it and he couldn't let go of people taking things.

I will have to say he is easier to handle when he gets frustrated or worried. He doesn't shut down into just pacing and touching items. He will talk about it and listen to what you have to say. He may construe what you say but he hears you. 


Yesterday I went to the quilt store to get a few items. I bought a piece of grey fabric for the Spousal Unit's quilt. I got a couple of Christmas presents and my favorite interfacing but my biggest score was bobbin genies. They were on sale for 40% off and I didn't even know the store carried them. I got a package.

I've read a lot of great things about these and thought I was going to have to order them in paying a lot for shipping. When I got home, I put one into the Juki and what a difference it made when using Glide thread. I will put one into the Diamond and send 2 to daughter. I'm sure she will notice a difference with her machine. 

I also worked on the quilt and got two columns sewn while respite was here. 

I went down before dinner to sew the two columns together and the Spousal Unit followed me down. He was on about things missing. He was around the room looking and walked over to the sewing machine. He walked right into the quilt laid on the floor and when I told him to watch the quilt, he kicked a bunch of the pieces around. Hence, I have this to deal with. 

On the up side, I did take a picture of the quilt before he got it messed up. 

I got the first two columns sewn ready to press. I will deal with the mess when I sew during respite time. I would love to get the top finished today so I can have it off the floor. 

I am trying to get back to sewing up the stash. During August, I will only buy the batting and backing for the quilt and the fabric for the bags for daughter and son-in-law. I have the main fabric but need the contrast pieces and lining. 

The store is being rearranged and will open on Tuesday with the fabric, etc in the front and a classroom in the back. It was busy yesterday with one lady buying approximately 50 meters of fabric, another approximately 20 meters and more people coming in to buy. Finding things was difficult which always happens when you change the layout of a store. Besides, I will get to visit it in a couple of weeks to see how things look. 


It is my rest day. I have a few small things to do first and then it's nothing major until supper time. This is a decision I made -- one day a week to rest. Respite comes at 11:30 and the person and the Spousal Unit can pick beans which I will put into bags for our dinner and for family. My goal is to finish the quilt top to the borders.

Until the next time.......................................................

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