Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Half Done the Appliques

 Yesterday was the perfect day -- 22.2C, sunshine and a refreshing breeze. This morning it is 14C and the sun is shining. It is suppose to get to 26C and be sunny. Tonight it is suppose to start raining. 


The Spousal Unit spent a fair amount of time outside looking at the vegetables. I saw him pet one of the tomato plants which means it will grow lots not. The garden is growing a lot. 

Inside the Spousal Unit read a lot about the shooting at the rodeo that I mentioned yesterday. Daughter filled in some of the missing information of which the Spousal Unit had some of the information correct. 

I spent the morning getting the house ready for the cleaners today. I have been doing a bit of extra cleaning when I can and yesterday and took the cushions off the couch and swept it clean and then swept the floor. These are things that the cleaners don't do. I also did some other sweeping in closets which they don't do. Today I have my usual list of things to finish up and the house will be ready for them.

Respite came a bit early yesterday so I was able to get out for groceries. I got everything but a pork roast that I wanted to make a freezer meal. I will try to get it another day. I did take a quick look at an Instant Pot at the grocery store. I couldn't see if it was a 6 or 8 quart model.

The Spousal Unit was exhausted by 8 pm. I'm learning not to make him stay up late when he has respite in the afternoon. He was in and out to look at the garden, sat and relaxed and then headed to bed. I actually had to help him as he was so tired he was staggering. He slept all night.


I spent almost 2 hours in the sewing room hand sewing down  2 large appliques. The first applique needed one large flower beaded before it was stitched down. 

The second applique needed to have some of the beads tightened up as they were flopping around. I did that while I was stitching it down. 

There are 3 big appliques and 1 small one left to stitch on. One needs beads put on the flowers. 

I will start at the top and work down. I have a minimum of 3 hours of stitching left. I can't wait to finish this dress and see it on the doll. 

Then it will be onto the quilt and the yellow and blue doll clothes. I will look for fabric for the dress that I want to machine embroider on. 


None as I was tired. 


I have my small list of chores to do and then hand sew one applique onto the dress before noon. We will be out while the cleaners are here and then will be home to make dinner. Hopefully I can knit tonight. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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