Saturday, April 09, 2022

Doll Pajama's Done

Yesterday was sunny, then cloudy, and it rained. There was over 1/2" of rain fall. The high got to 9.5C. This morning it is 8C and it is to be an overcast day with drizzle. 


We have both been sleeping poorly as the Spousal Unit tosses and turns with sore arms. It is a different spot so I am assuming they are phantom aches. Advil doesn't work which leads me to that thought. He has been pretty even keeled until yesterday and I spent a couple of hours calming him down. Same old stuff that includes anger and sadness. 

I try to nap when I can but I feel myself getting to the point of tears due to exhaustion. One good night's sleep should fix it. The exhaustion brings out a short fuse which is not good in our situation. I'm working on keeping it together.

We worked outside for a bit yesterday. Two planters are on the deck as well as two tubs. The tubs will disappear as they are not for planting. I will do that when I get two more planters.

We will be able to get our 4th shot of vaccine after June 2. That has helped me a lot as there is a lot of covid in Nova Scotia (and Canada). We want to keep ourselves safe but still be able to do things. This will help us. 


With the Spousal Unit only wanting to sit in the sewing room and rest, I decided to work on the doll's pajamas. I finished them to the buttons which I did this morning. 

The pattern is easy to make and fits remarkably well. I thought it would be huge on the doll while sewing it together. The 3/4" hems brought it to the proper size. 

I did get pictures of blankets (folded) and the pillows. 

Next is 2 pieces of piping and then the Edwardian outfit. All when I have the time.


I did several rounds on the socks last night. I'm down to 18 stitches on each side (from 24) so I've knit 11 rounds. I need to have 8 stitches on each side before I start the foot part. 


We are going in to the city to watch our grandson play soccer this afternoon. We will have a quiet morning. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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