Yesterday was mainly sunny and cold. The high got to -8C (windchill -14C). This morning it is cloudy and -14C (windchill -18C). Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of -10C (windchill -22C).
I did yoga yesterday. All went well once Elliott stopped grabbing my leg in one of the stretching exercises. I did my usual exercises and am not ready to add the hardest one yet. I will when my body says I can.
I took the vacuum downstairs and vacuumed the sewing room. It had a lot of thread, fibre bits, and fine fibre dust on the floor. I vacuumed very carefully to get the floor as clean as possible. It now needs to be mopped. Once done, I sat on the floor and cleaned the lint and thread out of the rollers on my chair. Not as much as I had thought but enough to be embarrassing.
I cooked the 2nd meal from Chef's Plate yesterday. It was a chicken and rice bowl. I liked the rice as it had onions in it along with a chili cumin spice mix. The chicken was okay but not as spicy as I had thought it would be. I did like the tomato. It was a Roma tomato cut into small cubes, the zest of a lemon added along with the juice of half the lemon. I added a bit of salt but omitted the oil. It was refreshing. I would have that again.
I spent 2 hours on the quilt yesterday and finished the quilting. It was a big push as I had to take my time and make sure each outer triangle had about the same amount of quilting.
Once done, I trimmed the quilt ready to add the binding. It wasn't perfectly square but it was better than I had thought.
The binding is the red and the fabric is on the ironing board ready to be pressed prior to cutting the 4 strips I need. The end is in sight. The hardest part is done and the easiest part is left to do.Knitting
I didn't knit last night as I was tired and I need to be less tired to start the 2nd side of the front.
I realized I am tired as I have been pushing myself to walk and do yoga 6 days a week. I am at the point where it would be easy to quit but I know my body is moving towards being more fit. I will get past this stage even if I have to have a nap today. I hope not.
The quilt also drained me. I have pushed to get it done, had my emotional spell, and got over it all. The binding is more relaxing for me as I can sit and work on it while watching TV.
I have also been worrying about things outside of my control. Most of it has been what others are worrying about but others are things I shouldn't worry about. Most is about the economy and I need to focus on how I can live during times of uncertainty.
I did not look at fabrics yesterday as I focused on the cardinal quilt. I have some fabrics to launder so I can make piping and donate the rest. I have to organize the fabrics a bit more and come up with a game plan on how projects to sew. I need to start work on the embroidery project for daughter. I need to take a deep breath, relax with some hand sewing, and then get busy again.
I am out to walk this morning, see the physiotherapist after that, and do some grocery shopping. This afternoon I am hoping I can make the binding and sew it onto the quilt. If time, I would love to sit and do a bit of hand sewing on it. Tonight I will knit if I am not too tired.
Until the next time...............................................................
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