Monday, August 07, 2023

They Won

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 24.2C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 15C. We are to have mainly sunshine and a high of 25C (humidex 29C). We are under a weather warning as another rain storm is heading our way. 


I did the balance sheet first thing and struggled as I couldn't find the difference in totals. When I added things up, I had paid too much on my credit card. The balance sheet balanced and everything put away for next week. 

I did my exercises plus 4 more that I did when I first went to physiotherapy. My knee was very stiff yesterday and would not flex back when I walked. It made other muscles hurt when I did stretching throughout the day. I put heat on my leg plus took a pain pill to see if that would help. It did enough that I slept well last night. 

I dead headed some of the flowers after I got my lunch put together to go to the city with family and watch grandson's team play soccer. The deadheading was needed big time. Next up is to fertilize all the plants. 

I was picked up at 11 am to go to watch the final game of soccer. We ate our lunch while watching girls play and it was interesting to watch. Some great plays were made. We headed to the bleachers when their game was over and got settled to watch our game. The teams playing were tied for first place in the league. Who ever won was the champion team. 

The game was very fast playing. Grandson's team didn't play nearly as well as they could have in the first half. A couple of the guys were not on their toes as much as they should have been. The other team struggled some also. Half time was 0 - 0 and we all thought it was going to be a tie game and still no winning team. Three quarters of the way through the 2nd half and there was a huge amount of play going on at our team's end of the field and the other team got a goal. There was some subbing done and grandson was on the field along with another player. 

The game was still intense and grandson's team was working harder than ever. The ball was at the opponents net and grandson snuck the ball in making it a tied game. More intense playing happening with the ball going over the net at both ends a few times. Finally grandson's team scored the winning goal 2 minutes before the end of the game. They controlled the ball for the last 2 minutes to win the series. 

I will have to say that it was a nail biting game. When grandson played, he played well yelling at his team mates for the ball when he was open. He is certainly improving in all areas when playing. They were down 2 of their top players as those boys were playing in the top league in the evening. Both of those boys have been signed on to the Halifax Wander's soccer team (pro level) which is a big step for these boys. I should also note that grandson is 16 and plays on a men's team. He is the youngest player on the team.

After the game and congratulations given to a few of the team members, we went for ice cream to celebrate. I had a small ice cream cone which was nice but I won't have another one. It satisfied a craving but it didn't make me want more. 

We were home about 4:30 pm. After having a piece of salmon, I struggled to stay awake. I was exhausted and went to be early. I did no sewing or knitting yesterday which was fine. Watching grandson play soccer is very important to me and trumps over everything else. 


I need to do laundry and while it is on, I am planning on going out and pulling weeds under the deck. I'd like to finish it up tomorrow before it rains. This afternoon, I will sew on daughter's bag and I would like to knit tonight. Housework will have to wait until a rainy day. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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