Monday, June 19, 2023

Wrong Size

 Yesterday was another dull grey day with about .3" of rain falling. The high got to 15.8C. This morning it is cloudy and 10C. We are to have showers and a high of 16C today. 


I got the balance sheet done but not before I had 2 stupid mistakes in about 6 entries. I paid a bill and it is done for another week. I put away May's receipts as they are no longer needed. I do keep them for a year or a bit more. 

I was outside to put the rug in back into its correct place and held down one end with a brick. Looks silly but it works. Elliott was outside to eat his grass. When I looked at the garden the animal (cat) had dug in the carrot bin. I was so angry that I put the cayenne pepper on every box. I am going to start to look for chicken wire and build fences around each box. I am not happy about this. I have cayenne pepper back on the shopping list as I will sprinkle it on the dirt regularly. 

I was out the front door to water the pots on the landing as they don't get as much rain on them. The begonia I bought is really thriving in the pot with a spiky and ivy. 

I have never seen this colour before and I do hope I can get it again next year. 

I lost 2.3 lbs this week. I am .5 lb from my half way goal. My glucose readings were higher than I wanted yesterday. I am eating the same or less than I was almost 2 weeks ago. I am less focused, and feel like something is wrong with my system. I am hoping it is my thyroid and it can be remedied with a change in medication. I haven't felt like this for a long time. 


I had a fun sewing day. I set up the Cricut and cut out the purse and shoes. I laid a 12 x 12" sheet of transfer tape on the cutting mat and pulled the backing off. I put the fabric on the transfer tape and it kept my mat clean. I did have my frustrations though. The blade wouldn't cut. I adjusted it and it cut perfectly. 

When I looked at the shoes, they were tiny. I had sized them wrong. 

After a good laugh, I cut the right size shoes out of the black fabric. I had no more yellow fabric left. 

Once cut out I spent a lot of time sewing them together. I did a lot of pressing and was pleased with how they looked. 

I sewed on the bee buttons and tried them on Kit while the glue was still wet. I only slipped her toes into them.

With my next order of soles, I am going to get the thicker ones. And I am going to try other shoes as I've got this pattern figured out to where I really like it. 

While I was sewing the shoes, I had the embroidery machine stitching out the 7th block. I am slowly getting them done. 

I had enough time to press the backing fabric, cut out the batting and get the table runner ready to quilt. I was happy with my day in the sewing room. I am ready to wristlet next. Then the 1930's outfit will be done. 


I stopped counting how many times I had to unknit rows on the lacy part of the sleeve. By the time I was ready to scream, I had the lacy part done. I have 3 rows left before I cast off. The issue wasn't the pattern, it was me knitting the pattern wrong. I would forget to do a yarn over or do the wrong row. 


I need to carry on and do more cleaning upstairs this morning. I want to sew on the wristlet and trim the threads on the block I stitched out. I want to knit tonight. If the lawn dries off enough, I would like to go out and look in the shed so I can finalize my plan to clean it up this week. 

Until the next time........................................................

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