Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Progress On The Horse

There was sunshine yesterday and the high got to 1.7C. This morning it is -5C and we will have a high of -3C and more sunshine. We are under a wind and rain/snow warning for tomorrow. 


I was out the door at 6:45 a.m. to shovel the snow off the driveway. It was easy going and I had about 1/3 of the driveway done when our friend came over with his snowblower and his son with a shovel. We were done at 7:02 a.m. After taking grandson to school, I salted the driveway and it was free of ice by the afternoon. 

I did my exercises during the day and went for a walk down the street. I was very sore all day and finally took an Aleve and went to bed at 8:00 a.m. I slept most of the night and feel better this morning. I've done some stretching exercises and it has helped. I think the weather system coming in has made me feel sore. 

I made a stew in the Instant Pot. I thickened the gravy and then added dumplings. The meat stuck to the pan at the bottom. Next time I will add more liquid when pressure cooking the stew, sauté the dumplings and then thicken the gravy. It was delicious though. The pot was soaked and scrubbed clean before I went to bed. 


I went down and traced the 10 pieces of the horse's face and put them together. I was 3 hours doing that job. It was demanding as I couldn't see the placement lines for the pieces that went on the face. I fiddled and I am hoping it is right. 

It will be checked today and then I will start on the ears. I am borrowing a light box for other parts of the layout. 

I didn't look at the gift bag as I was so sore that I had to rest and do a few other things to help my aches and pains. 


I knit on the sweater last night. I got the 20 rows for the neck and shaping done, and 3 rows for the first sleeve knit. It is progressing quickly. 


I am off shortly to take grandson to school and then home to get ready for my friend to come over and look at the horse's face before I press it in place. I should go grocery shopping after lunch and then I will look at the gift bag if I have time. Tonight I will knit. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time.............................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The horse is looking really good! What is the construction process you follow? Do you fuse it all down and then zigzag around each piece? Or quilt it all down at the end? Fascinating to watch you develop this. Thank you for sharing.
