Friday, August 05, 2022

We Saw A New Blue Car

 Yesterday was a hot one. The high got to 32.6C with a humidex of 39C. This morning it was 20C with a humidex of 27C. It is suppose to be a repeat of yesterday. 


Yesterday morning started out well. When getting the new tires on and balanced, the Spousal Unit started to get anxious as it was taking a long time. I finally convinced him to go out to look at the new cars. We looked at one blue one and it was a gas model. Then I noticed a new one with white protective material on it. We walked over to it and saw it was a Kia EV6 GT (fully electric). I snapped a picture to send to DDIL as she ordered this car in blue. 

We had a really good look at it inside and out. We went back into the showroom to cool off. I asked if they had a booklet on the this car and they didn't. It was at that time we learned it was daughter-in-law's car. She is excited it's here. We sat and talked about the car and the shop manager got a 2nd technician on our car to balance the wheels. They got the car done an hour early. 

We came home after I got us lunch. The Spousal Unit was exhausted. When we drove into the yard, he said he saw people in the yard. He was upset and headed out to check everything. I got him in and he paced looking out windows and doors. He wouldn't settle down so into the car we went and out for a drive to family's to see the rock work. We thought he was settled but less than a half a mile from their house, he started up again. He was a wreck by the time we got home. He told me to leave, that I had stolen his pictures, and was smoking non stop. He took off to the neighbor's but I stopped that short. Told him they were away and no one was home. As he was returning daughter-in-law arrived to help me. We finally got him settled and after he ate dinner, he sat and rested on the couch with me. He did water the garden for while I made dinner. And the only visitors we had were the neighbor's chickens. They left when the sprinkler was turned on.

I beefed up a frozen pizza for dinner and used the pizza stone daughter gifted us. It is great to use. 

I still have a few things to learn -- use the small oven on convection. I did dust it with cornmeal and learned how to check the bottom of the pizza to see if was done.

I slept poorly last night as I was cold. I did a rapid test this morning but it was negative. I probably have heat exhaustion at the worst but more likely it is exhaustion. The number of spells the Spousal Unit has had in the past week has been unreal and taken its toll on me. 

I did do the guest room bedding yesterday and got the peas blanched and frozen. I also cleaned out the fridge. I still have some floors to wash, laundry to do, and pack for staying with grandson tonight. I had absolutely no time to myself yesterday. Twenty minutes to myself is nice when I'm alone. I usually get that when the Spousal Unit is napping. I will either nap or rest with him.

So we wait to see what today brings forth. Respite is here which gives me time to either sew, nap, or ?? So far he is doing okay and I'm ready to make breakfast. I won't be posting until Sunday. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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