Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Busy Day

 Yesterday was another good day. With some sunshine, very little wind, and a high of 3.7C we were happy to enjoy the weather. 

The Spousal Unit wanted to go for a drive yesterday so off we went. He chose the route to Brooklyn to see if there was work on the road. Nothing but we looked for familiar places and wildlife. On the way home we saw 2 white tail deer. We were home before lunch. 

After lunch, the Spousal Unit wandered around outside, came in to talk, and enjoyed himself. He has depression which I'm trying to help him with. He happily did some chores for me in the kitchen last night and then we talked. It started out with him being sad (depression) but as we talked about my family he cheered up some. It was a good evening. 


I did 15-20 minutes of decluttering yesterday. The desk got a going over. I need to buy page protectors and I can condense two binders into one. A bunch of pencils and a sketch book were given to grandson. I need to get a container for fabric to ship to the new sewer. I think one more sweep of the table will have it in better order for now. 

I also went through the 8 drawer tower and removed several items to a basket to go and a couple of items into the trash. I also tidied up the sewing machine cabinet top where I keep the things I use all the time. A few things I never use and are junk went into the trash. I sure felt better doing all that. 

The placemats have the binding on them. I can now hand sew the binding down while the Spousal Unit and I talk about things of interest to him. I find hand sewing binding relaxing. 

I looked at the cutting table and shuddered. It was full of left over fabric from the placemats. Though tidy, it was annoying me. I spent about 15 minutes cutting pieces for the mug rugs. Seeing the fabric go from large pieces down to neat piles of pieces made me happy. I still have more to cut but I am pleased to have that part of the cutting done.


I decided to start sock #2 and spent a long time trying to get the cast on correct. I need to look at it today and decide if I need to redo it again today or if it will be okay. I really had a brain block with it yesterday. 


I need to wipe down the kitchen counters really well and then wash the floor. If time, I will polish the appliances. I'm trying to plan out how to get the Spousal Unit to help me clean the pantry. It needs doing and I want him to help me. I want to keep cutting the fabric so all 6 mug rugs are ready to stitch one after another. When done cutting all the garbage and recycling can go out. Knitting tonight. What else gets done is up to the Spousal Unit. Maybe some puzzle time as we have a new puzzle to work on.

Until the next time.............................................................

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