Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hong Kong Binding Rocks

 Yesterday was another warm day with a high of 25.7C and a humidex of 33C. This morning it is 18C and we had a shower early this morning. The high is to get to 26C and we could have showers during the day.


I cleaned the living room area yesterday and it was a big job. I am happy to have the upstairs cleaned and will be washing floors next. 

The Spousal Unit mowed lawns and trimmed the long grass with the weed whacker. He is happy to have the outside caught up again. My outdoor foray was to pick a handful of cud weed. I got one area picked and will do more when I can get outside. 

I sat outside for a bit and read late yesterday afternoon. Either it wasn't as humid or I'm getting use to it as I didn't get a headache like I have been getting. It was nice to be outside reading. 

There was no report on how many cases of the virus yesterday as they were updating the system. Fingers crossed there were none and a couple of recoveries. This time last year we had been a week with no cases and 1 active case. 


I worked on the jacket of the doll's dress and had lots of fun. Instead of serging the raw edges of the facing, I did a Hong Kong binding. 

Once you get use to doing them, they are so easy to do. And they make the outfit look much more high end. I am going to work on perfecting the binding on sleeve seams. Not this one as I am running out of time to complete it. 

The jacket just needs the 2nd sleeve inserted, side seam sewn up and the facing sewn in. Then I can sew on snaps and all the buttons. 

The drought on testing patterns is now a glut. There is another pattern coming to test - a cape for the dolls. I'm not sure if I will test it but I certainly will make it next month. I have to get the child's quilt finished and off the sewing table.


I knit on the hat band and now have 10" done. I seem to be getting the length done quicker this time. 

The band will be the light blue and an off white in color. I was surprised at how long each color is on this yarn. I quite like shorter runs of color. I'm sure the hat will look nice when done. 


I'm heading out to shop at 9 a.m. this morning as I must get items from the pharmacy. Once home, I have to replace a light bulb and then theI am going to sew the jacket and get it done. Tonight will be knitting. I may even sneak outside to pull weeds between showers.

Until the next time........................................................

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