Friday, October 23, 2020

Test Blouse Is Done

Yesterday was warm all day. We had a lot of sun and the temperature was 19C for the majority of the day. This morning it is 7C and it is suppose to be sunny and 16C. Another nice day in the making. 


The Spousal Unit mowed the lawn yesterday. It was long, lush and wet. With the weather being so nice and having the rains, the lawn has perked up to be very healthy. This should be the last time it is mowed but we are thinking it could be once more for sure. 

I got over hot yesterday. I even headed outside to try and cool off but it didn't happen. I finally had to put the heat pump onto dehumidify and cool the house and me off. I survived it but was tired. Today, I plan on closing curtains this morning to help keep the house cooler. 

We are, once again, at day 4 with no known cases of the virus. 


I headed down to the sewing room before lunch (why upstairs got warm) to fix the Spousal Unit's cotton mask. I put a nose piece in it along with adjustable elastic. It fits him very nicely now. 

I worked on the doll's blouse and it was a lovely sew. It fell together so nicely for me. I spent a bit of time thinking about the steps as I read the instructions. When do I serge seams? When do I hand sew on the bows? I finished it around 3 p.m.

It fits a bit loose in the body which I will note on the pattern. I did not add lace to the collar as I had none that would work. 

I also tightened up the elastic by 1" to have it fit better. I quite like the bows on the sleeves and at the neckline. I'm ready to cut out the jumper this weekend. 

The next pattern is almost ready to be tested. I am excited to test this one also. 

I will need to buy blue ribbon as I don't have that specific color in my stash. I do have a cute fabric that I will be using though. Have had it for about 5 years now. 


I finished the second sleeve and started on the collar of the slow knit sweater. It was a bit of an interesting time. I had to pick up 57 stitches using a crochet hook while looking at the pictures to figure out what I was doing. Once I started to knit, it all came together. 

You stitch the edge of the collar to the front of the sweater to create the cross over effect. 

The other side will be done exactly the same way. I will be happy to be done this sweater not because it is taking so long but because it is full of mistakes and hard to understand instructions. And the pictures are not the best. 


We are heading out to do a bit of Christmas shopping for the last parcel to go west. I will stop at the quilt shop so daughter can see some of the fabrics I found via pictures. Then home with the hopes of cutting out the jumper for the doll. If not, I will be looking at the yarn I have to make a cat sweater. 

Until the next time..................................................

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