Sunday, January 22, 2017

Happy Moments

After a few days of warmer weather, it is cooling off again to be near the freezing mark. It was certainly nice to have the warm weather and sunshine. Yesterday we had a small snow flurry but it didn't amount to anything. Today it could be snow or rain.


We are both starting to feel better. Though we cough, it isn't a sick cough. We will survive this part of what ever it was we had.
Who would get excited about having a slide out garbage can and slide out shelf under the kitchen sink? ME! It is in and I love it. I have to get the slide out towel bar and that area will be done. The cupboard doors are here but need to go and have the holes drilled in for the hinges. That will happen next week. The HDMI cords are in the walls so the TV can be hung with no wires showing. It has made me happy before the next mess starts. I will stress out again but am enjoying this happy time.


The quilt block is done and at the store.
The left over fabric is also at the store in the share basket and I am happy to see this project done.
I found the tub of Halloween cottons and put them into the sewing room closet. I will be making a few items for them over the next two years and then will stop as they will have enough items to decorate with.
I am thinking about digging out the doll fabric tubs and sorting through them. My plan is to get rid of the fabric/notions that I won't use. Those tubs can be stored on the floor in the sewing room closet. I'd like to reclaim one of the tubs to put the finished doll clothes into. While focusing on the doll fabric, I would like to organize their patterns. It has been started but I need more file folders of a certain type to finish the job. BTW, they are calling for me to work on their SWAP.
Time to review my goals:

    • Cut out the second pair of doll jeans
    • Work on my quilt block for the store
    • Trace a coat pattern to cut out my February sewing  project/challenge to be hung in the store in mid March
    • Sort through the cottons and put together like projects for sewing
    • Work on the lobster fabric items. I may focus on cutting out all the pieces and sew them up rather than do one item at a time. The bibs all have the vinyl ironed onto them and are ready to be cut out.
    • Trace and cut out Grandson's pyjamas.
    I am not adding another project yet as I want to trace patterns first and sort through the doll fabric and patterns. That is enough to work on.
    I found a notebook that I can carry around with me. It is my everything notebook. I have put a project on a page and what I need to finish it up. That way, when I get out the fabric, I can look in the book and move forward. This way, I won't make senseless purchases.


        I am just about ready to start on the socks again.


        I am working and will probably not do much tonight. I am still lacking evening energy.
        Until the next time..................................

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