Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Crepe Scarf is Made

Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 10.5C or 51F. We enjoy each lovely day as we still have March to live through. It can either be a lamb or a lion or both.


I headed out to work yesterday and got to do both cash and cutting. My day ended at 2:30 as it was slow. I did some shopping and headed home.
Vivian, this is for you and for others who wish to look at the Bullet Journal. I looked at the video several times prior to setting up our journal for house renovations. It is a quick resource that we still go to and I will start again when we begin doing the upstairs.
Our journal is designed for our needs and I used one of two journals I bought at Costco. The journals were there when I looked at the beginning of February.

The beginning pages gives us phone numbers and then an index.

From there each month was set up the same except for the plant sample page. It was an extra for future reference.  

I did add some personal items to the journal part but it was mainly to keep track of what we did in the house. The paint chips are for future reference.
At the end of the journal is an envelope where I keep the receipts. That was wonderful for when we had to return or exchange items.


I bought some items at the store yesterday. I have enough supplies to make myself another plaid meets lace scarf and then I decided to make one out of crepe for spring/summer. A co-worker chose the fabric and trim as it is for her. She started with this print and we moved from there.
We added the plain coloured crepe to it.
 When I got finished, it certainly has a spring overtone.
And on the dress form.
Total time spent was about 2 hours. She gets to set it up in the spring fabrics today.


I am going to do some shopping, get the Spousal Unit's shirt pattern out, and head to work from 1 to 9 p.m.
Until tomorrow.......................

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